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Hygienic Fasting

It is common knowledge that “fasting” (in some form or another) has been practiced for centuries by many ancient civilizations and most religions. As one would expect, ancient Egyptian records also make references indicating that fasting of some type was an important part of religious practice. Commonly, fasting refers to the abstinence from certain prescribed foods, while in hygienic fasting, it refers to abstinence from food in the total sense.

Dr. Douglas Graham DC explains the concept as follows: “fasting is defined as the deepest and most comprehensive state of physical, emotional, sensory, and physiological rest that can be humanly achieved. It is during such a fast that healing, on all levels, takes place at the most rapid pace possible”.

Fasting is not starvation. This is best articulated by Bernarr McFadden is his book ‘Fasting For Health’:
“The majority of people cannot discriminate between fasting and starvation. They feel that should they miss two or three meals they will begin to starve. This is of course erroneous. It takes a long time for a person to starve to death. Starvation begins where fasting leaves off. Starvation begins when all the excess tissues of the body have been used up and those tissues necessary to the proper maintenance of life begin to be used up. There is generally a considerable amount of excess tissue in our bodies in the form of fat and a fast can usually be instituted without harm because in using up this excess tissue nothing is lost which will in any way interfere with the proper functioning of the body or the maintenance of life”.


Hygienic fasting has proven to be very effective in treating, and in many cases healing, the following conditions:

  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

  • Heart conditions

  • High Cholesterol Levels

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Kidney Stones

  • Gall Stones

  • Allergies 

  • Skin conditions such as Hives and Psoriasis

  • Addictions such as nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, prescription medication, and recreational drugs

  • Varicose Veins

  • Early cancer stages

  • Being overweight/obese

  • Gastrointestinal diseases such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcers, etc.

  • Autoimmune Diseases such as Arthritis, Lupus, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Eczema, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.

  • Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue

  • Migraines & chronic headaches


Fresh Mojitos

why is fasting good for you

Dr. Herbert M. Shelton MD, was probably the foremost authority on Natural Hygiene and fasting. During his long career, he successfully treated thousands of patients through fasting and had this to say with regard its advantages:

It gives the vital organs a complete rest. It stops the intake of food, which may decompose in the intestines and poison the body.

  • It empties the digestive tract and disposes of  putrefactive bacteria.

  • It gives the organs of elimination an opportunity to catch up with their work, and promotes elimination.

  • It re-establishes normal physiological chemistry and normal secretions.

  • It promotes the break down and absorption of exudates, deposits, diseased tissues, and abnormal growths.

  • It restores a youthful condition to the cells and tissues, and rejuvenates the body.

  • It permits the conservation and re-canalization (redirection) of energy.

  • It increases the power of digestion and assimilation.

  • It clears and strengthens the mind.

  • It improves function throughout the body.

"It is in the fasting state that the body is given the opportunity to purify its tissues, to eliminate undesirable tissue accumulations, growth, etc. It also allows the body an opportunity to let stressed and abused tissues heal", Dr. Alan Goldhamer DC, founder of the True North Health Center.


For more information on fasting, you can print the following articles:

  1. An Introduction to the Benefits of a Professionally Supervised Fast

  2. Fast Track to Health

  3. Fasting: Back to the Future

  4. Fast, Faster, and Fastest Results

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